Greenville Humane Society
Raised of $100,000
The Greenville Humane Society is the second largest no-kill shelter in the southeast, just behind Atlanta. Since we changed locations in 2011, we have placed over 28,000 animals in their forever homes. Beyond adoptions, we also have one of the largest low cost spay/neuter and vaccination clinics in South Carolina. If you’d like to learn more about the Greenville Humane Society and the services we offer, visit our website at
Top Donors
$10,399 Raised By 284 Donors
on behalf of Lindsey Kurz
from Anonymous
on behalf of Cheryl Toothe
on behalf of Anna Hicks
on behalf of Laura Farrell
on behalf of Lucy McDow
on behalf of Mitzi Kail
from Anonymous
on behalf of Katherine
on behalf of Ann (Maggie) Barry
on behalf of Ari & Cali
on behalf of Aspen Elizabeth
on behalf of Bestest girl Reagan
on behalf of Brady “majestic floof”
on behalf of Brannon Traxler
on behalf of Cliff Hiatt
on behalf of Dawn Masterson
on behalf of Deena
from Anonymous
on behalf of Hali Barry Manilow
on behalf of Jeff Berthiaume
from Anonymous
on behalf of Kimberly Neubecker
on behalf of kirsten riney
on behalf of Laura Korte
on behalf of Maria Rolling
from Anonymous
on behalf of Mr. Freeze
on behalf of my beloved Auggie RiP
on behalf of Myble
on behalf of Revonda Stordahl
on behalf of Ron Seidel
on behalf of Sabine Reuter
on behalf of Sara Sponseller
on behalf of SeDeris Fogle
on behalf of Tammy Dooley
on behalf of The Braun Family
on behalf of 😇me Gwacie
from Facebook Donation
from Facebook Donation
on behalf of @beachwoolacombe
on behalf of Alice Petrochko
on behalf of Carolyn Glosek
on behalf of Elaine Yoder
on behalf of Emilyanne Willard
on behalf of Frances Crane
from Anonymous
on behalf of Jacqueline Seidel
on behalf of Kelly Oliver
on behalf of Laura
on behalf of Leslie Waltz
on behalf of Libby Tye
on behalf of Lorraine Wicks
on behalf of Loryn Lyle
on behalf of Mandy Albers
on behalf of mary benner
from Anonymous
on behalf of Michele
on behalf of Myble
from Anonymous
on behalf of Pam Rybarczyk
from Anonymous
from Anonymous
on behalf of Rachel Aldridge
from Anonymous
on behalf of Randy Hampton
on behalf of Rebecca DaSilva
on behalf of Rebecca Reeder
on behalf of Roxy, Mikie and Pattie Cakes
on behalf of Salle Smith
on behalf of Sherry Marlar
on behalf of Steve
on behalf of Stuart Mauney
on behalf of Terry Reynolds
on behalf of Timothy Duncan
on behalf of Tom and Marylou
on behalf of Tricia Hartin
on behalf of Whitney Wilson
on behalf of Allison Galofaro
on behalf of Nancy
on behalf of Christy Guthrie
on behalf of Hunter Williams
on behalf of Kerrie Kovaleski
on behalf of MOLLYBEAR & Flossie
on behalf of Tawnya Queen
on behalf of Abbey Reach
from Anonymous
on behalf of Amy LeBlanc
on behalf of Amy ODell
from Anonymous
on behalf of Angela Russo
on behalf of Ann Johnson
on behalf of April Spahr
from Anonymous
from Anonymous
from Anonymous
on behalf of Austin Broshar
on behalf of AXLE
on behalf of Azlan
on behalf of Baby Bea & Little Bear & Mom
on behalf of Bailey and Brawney
on behalf of Baloo
on behalf of Bambi
on behalf of Barbara Lachut
on behalf of Brent Jones
on behalf of Brittany Wooldridge
on behalf of Cailey Moellman
from Anonymous
on behalf of Cherish and Daisy-Joy
on behalf of Cheryl Macy
from Anonymous
on behalf of Christy
on behalf of Cindy Gottfried
on behalf of Cortney Burkett
from Anonymous
from Anonymous
on behalf of Daisy, Duncan, Kirby
on behalf of Darren WHITEHEAD
on behalf of David Hayes
on behalf of David Wilder
on behalf of David Willis
on behalf of Derek
on behalf of Diane Lancaster
on behalf of Elizabeth
on behalf of Elizabeth
on behalf of Ellen Behymer
on behalf of Felicia Evans, Kristi Johnson, Amanda Houser and Alisha Moody
on behalf of Foster the Dog
on behalf of Francesca Panizzo
on behalf of Fred and Oakley
on behalf of Gilbert Barajas
on behalf of Gryff Hamilton
on behalf of Heather Edwards
from Anonymous
from Anonymous
on behalf of janice smith wilkins
on behalf of Jeanne Shiffman
on behalf of Jennifer Stom
on behalf of Jessica
on behalf of Jo-Ann Ledger
on behalf of karen macdonald
on behalf of Katey Kelley
on behalf of Kathleen Lambros
from Anonymous
from Anonymous
on behalf of Ken and Elaine Lyle
on behalf of kimberley Hill
on behalf of Kristi Johnson
on behalf of Linda
on behalf of Liz McLendon
on behalf of Lynn
on behalf of Machelle Morningstar
on behalf of Marguerite A Jewel
on behalf of Mark and Terry Gordon
on behalf of Mary Hoffman
on behalf of Mary Padgett
on behalf of Maylee Pup
on behalf of Michelle Tooley
on behalf of michelle yarbrough
on behalf of My rescue George
on behalf of Nancy Reaves
on behalf of Paige Mancuso
on behalf of Patricia Heaward
on behalf of Paulette Merrell
on behalf of Penny Lane and Luna
on behalf of Pepper & Charlie
on behalf of Priscilla McAbee
on behalf of Puppy Pacer Racer
on behalf of Rebecca
on behalf of Redford James
on behalf of Rick Phillips
on behalf of Ronald Wray
on behalf of Rugie-Roo
on behalf of Ryan Sanford
on behalf of Sally Kissell
on behalf of Sammy (a good doggie)
on behalf of Sandra Cox
from Anonymous
on behalf of Sophia Vrinios
on behalf of Stacy Roberts
on behalf of Stevie and Lucy Doodle
on behalf of Susan Bauckus
on behalf of Sydney 🐕
on behalf of Terry Dottor
on behalf of Terry Fabrizi
from Anonymous
on behalf of Tiffini Rhodes
on behalf of Wilma Benton and Nash Fouts
on behalf of Angelique Hall Bovee
on behalf of Anna Riopel
from Anonymous
on behalf of Laura Austin
on behalf of Priscilla McAbee
on behalf of Treaty Bongirne
on behalf of Dominick Farina
on behalf of Madeline Durham
from Anonymous
on behalf of Arie Bear
on behalf of Arie Bear 🐻
from Anonymous
on behalf of Constance A Young
on behalf of Ellen Nanoia
from Anonymous
on behalf of john alibrandi
on behalf of Mr. Freeze
on behalf of Nikole Inzana
on behalf of Taylor Bishop
on behalf of Tiffany Salvaggio
on behalf of Wee angel dug and Wesley ❤️
on behalf of Aaron Crowell
from Anonymous
on behalf of Alexa Downey
on behalf of Allison Thomas
on behalf of Allison Thomas
on behalf of Alyssa Krouse
on behalf of Ana Bazo
on behalf of Angela Griffin
on behalf of Anna Crow
on behalf of Annette Holley
from Anonymous
on behalf of Annie Hernandez
on behalf of Barbara Crawford
from Anonymous
on behalf of Bethany Bagwell
on behalf of Bevin Berube
on behalf of Brad Smith
on behalf of Brett Caldwell
on behalf of Carolyn Casper
on behalf of Casie Stephens
on behalf of Cathy Konen
on behalf of Christine Barrett
on behalf of Cindy Blackman
on behalf of Dan Allen
on behalf of David Cantrell
on behalf of Deborah Lewis
on behalf of Guinn Willochell
on behalf of Holly Swaney
on behalf of Irene Ank
on behalf of J.R. Donachie
on behalf of Jason Vawter
on behalf of Jay Guadalupe
on behalf of Jean Clow
on behalf of Jessica Lambroff
on behalf of Jimmy Clow
from Anonymous
from Anonymous
on behalf of Kathleen McBride
on behalf of Kathy Clayton
from Anonymous
on behalf of Kim Webb
on behalf of Kylie Neal
on behalf of LESLIE FATUM
on behalf of Linda Lee
on behalf of Lindsay Niedringhaus
on behalf of Magda Webster
on behalf of Margaret Hinrichs
on behalf of Margot Bartell
on behalf of Marti Ward
on behalf of Matt McKinney
on behalf of Maureen McCuen
on behalf of Meghan Verret
on behalf of Melissa Patterson
on behalf of Meredith Eisgrau
on behalf of Mike Cole
on behalf of Mike Mcdonough
on behalf of Missy Kimbrell
on behalf of Morgan Ross
on behalf of Noelle Grube
on behalf of Paige McMahan
on behalf of Sandra Horton
on behalf of Sandy Krzysiak
on behalf of Sarah Odom
on behalf of Scott Holcombe
on behalf of Susan Floyd
on behalf of Susan Sentell
on behalf of Susie Black
on behalf of Suzanne Shouse
on behalf of Tami Corbin
on behalf of Teya Hajek
on behalf of Thomas McCorkle
on behalf of Tina Alvarez
on behalf of VALORIE RUCK
on behalf of Kathleen McCandless
DMutt Strutin Maxiroos
$35 Raised
Abbey Heinz
$40 Raised
Abbey Reach
$65 Raised
Abby Burroughs
$40 Raised
Abby Martin
$40 Raised
Abby Rollins
$45 Raised
Abby Williams
$20 Raised
Abigail Scott
$45 Raised
Adriana Vilchez
$40 Raised
Adrienne Weathersby
$45 Raised
Al Kline
$20 Raised
Alana Mehaffey
$20 Raised
Alejandra Camacho
$40 Raised
Alex Creasy
$35 Raised
Alexa Downey
$40 Raised
Alexander McNair
$45 Raised
Alexandra Rettberg
$45 Raised
Alexandria Cherry
$40 Raised
Alicia Connolly
$40 Raised
Alison Miller
$40 Raised
Alisson Hibbs
$35 Raised
Allen Grisham
$20 Raised
Allison Williams
$35 Raised
Alyssa Krouse
$45 Raised
Amanda Lee
$40 Raised
Amanda Wade
$40 Raised
Amanda Waterman
$45 Raised
Amanda Wells
$65 Raised
Amber Cotterman
$35 Raised
Amber Lowe
$40 Raised
Amber Nelson
$45 Raised
Amy Berthiaume
$45 Raised
Amy Champion
$40 Raised
Amy Elkins
$20 Raised
Amy House
$45 Raised
$35 Raised
Ana Gomez
$40 Raised
Andrea Ray
$45 Raised
Andrew Bickford
$35 Raised
Angela Fowler
$35 Raised
Angela Griffin
$45 Raised
Angela Gschwind
$35 Raised
Angela Toland
$35 Raised
Ann Johnson
$45 Raised
Anna Hicks
$220 Raised
Anna McKenna
$40 Raised
Annette Holley
$50 Raised
Anney Maund
$45 Raised
Annie Hernandez
$50 Raised
Anthony Phillips
$40 Raised
Antoinette Louw
$35 Raised
April Polito
$35 Raised
Archie Prentice
$35 Raised
Artem Bykanov
$40 Raised
Ashley Albers
$35 Raised
Ashley Chaffee
$45 Raised
Ashley VonderBecke
$35 Raised
Atlas Lyle
$440 Raised
Aubrey Davis
$20 Raised
Audra Webb
$60 Raised
Audrie Earl
$20 Raised
austin Bach
$0 Goal
Baker Perkins
$35 Raised
Barbara Crawford
$25 Raised
Barbara Janda
$45 Raised
Barley and Bones
$45 Raised
Bart Biesecker
$40 Raised
Benjamin Konen
$40 Raised
Beth Kelly
$35 Raised
Bethany Bagwell
$45 Raised
Betsy Shouse
$35 Raised
Bevin Berube
$40 Raised
Blake Berthiaume
$20 Raised
Brad Smith
$50 Raised
Brandon Alexander
$35 Raised
Brandon Fowler
$40 Raised
Brandon Wilkerson
$35 Raised
Braylin Hunter
$35 Raised
Brenda Duncan
$20 Raised
Brenda Harris
$35 Raised
Brett Caldwell
$40 Raised
Brian Dobbins
$35 Raised
Brian McCombs
$35 Raised
Brian Turner
$40 Raised
Brian Webb
$45 Raised
Brianna Hall
$40 Raised
Brianna Lugo
$45 Raised
Bruce Lawhun
$20 Raised
Bryan Torres
$35 Raised
Burrell Fam
$35 Raised
Cade Moody
$35 Raised
Cali Schmitt
$35 Raised
Camden Williams
$35 Raised
Carly McKinney
$20 Raised
Carol Miller
$40 Raised
Carol Mullin
$20 Raised
Carol Zimmermann
$20 Raised
Caroline Harrison
$35 Raised
Caroline Stanton
$40 Raised
carolyn / v truett
$40 Raised
Carolyn Casper
$40 Raised
Carolyn Glosek
$85 Raised
$25 Raised
carolyn matlack
$20 Raised
Carolyn Nadeau
$20 Raised
Carolyne Faulk
$35 Raised
Carrie Thurston-Maney
$35 Raised
Carter Beamer
$0 Goal
Caryn Hammond
$45 Raised
Casie Stephens
$40 Raised
Cecil Amick
$35 Raised
Cedric Turner
$40 Raised
Charles Fortner
$20 Raised
Charlie Anderson
$35 Raised
Charlie Niedringhaus
$20 Raised
Charlie Thacker
$20 Raised
Cheryl Macy
$70 Raised
Cheryl Stevens
$45 Raised
chloe truett
$20 Raised
Chris Firster
$45 Raised
Chris Riffe
$40 Raised
Chris Ross
$40 Raised
Chris Tabachnick
$40 Raised
Chris Temples
$35 Raised
Christa Creasy
$35 Raised
Christie Champion
$35 Raised
Christina Leonard
$35 Raised
Christopher Wilson
$40 Raised
Christy Guthrie
$65 Raised
Cindy Blackman
$110 Raised
Cindy Turner
$40 Raised
Claudia Long
$35 Raised
Cliff Hiatt
$120 Raised
Colton Keasler
$35 Raised
Connie Blackstone
$40 Raised
Corey Green
$35 Raised
Cortney Burkett
$60 Raised
Courtney Berenato
$40 Raised
Courtney Turner
$35 Raised
Craig Bailey
$45 Raised
Craig Caldwell
$40 Raised
Craig Cox
$35 Raised
Craig Ross
$20 Raised
Cristina Eames
$70 Raised
Cullen Brothers
$20 Raised
Dalton Newbold
$35 Raised
Dan Allen
$25 Raised
Dan Constantino
$35 Raised
Dana Batson
$40 Raised
Daniel Fimbianti
$35 Raised
Daniel Tamayo
$35 Raised
Danielle Davenport
$35 Raised
David Boone
$20 Raised
David Cantrell
$25 Raised
David Champion
$35 Raised
David Fletcher
$40 Raised
David Ging
$20 Raised
David Hayes
$45 Raised
David McKenna
$40 Raised
David Prentice
$35 Raised
David Rybarczyk
$20 Raised
David Wells
$40 Raised
Dawn Fortner
$35 Raised
Dean Nance
$45 Raised
Debbie Ross
$35 Raised
Deborah Braun
$145 Raised
Deborah Hargenrader
$45 Raised
Deborah Lewis
$25 Raised
Deborah Mcdonough
$20 Raised
Dee Flaspoehler
$40 Raised
Derek Manet
$40 Raised
Destiny Dominguez
$35 Raised
Diana Braun
$20 Raised
Diane Olenyn
$20 Raised
Diane Vacey
$40 Raised
Dianne Day
$35 Raised
Dominick Farina
$60 Raised
Don Earl
$20 Raised
Donna Brown
$70 Raised
Donna Griffith
$35 Raised
Donna Leo
$20 Raised
Donna Wade
$35 Raised
Donnie Bayne
$20 Raised
Doug Booth
$20 Raised
Doug Hill
$20 Raised
Dru Murphy
$45 Raised
Dylan Tabachnick
$40 Raised
Ed Cummins
$40 Raised
Ed Long
$35 Raised
Edward Nadeau
$20 Raised
Elaina Riffe
$40 Raised
Elizabeth Babb
$40 Raised
Elizabeth Black
$40 Raised
Elizabeth Caddell
$20 Raised
Elizabeth Jordan
$20 Raised
Ellen Behymer
$70 Raised
$0 Goal
Ellie Hall
$20 Raised
Ellie Lohnes
$45 Raised
Emerald Wells
$35 Raised
Emily Baig
$45 Raised
Emily Claire Braun
$45 Raised
Emily Rouse
$45 Raised
Emma Suttles
$35 Raised
Emmalyn Riffe
$0 Goal
Emme Hines
$35 Raised
Emmy Prentice
$0 Goal
Eric McLendon
$45 Raised
Erica Bronner
$35 Raised
Erica Sandall
$35 Raised
Erik Braun
$0 Goal
Erika Pigagiene
$45 Raised
Erin Earl
$40 Raised
Erin Mehaffey
$35 Raised
Erisa Hoxhalli
$40 Raised
Fred Seiber
$35 Raised
Gabriel McNair
$200 Goal
Gallivan, White & Boyd, PA
$325 Raised
Gary White
$20 Raised
$20 Raised
George Driver
$45 Raised
George Murphy Jr
$45 Raised
Gina Podolsky
$45 Raised
Glyn Lewis
$20 Raised
Grant Fimbianti
$0 Goal
Grayson Stom
$20 Raised
Greyson Beamer
$0 Goal
Guinn Willochell
$45 Raised
Hailey DeBerry
$40 Raised
Hailey Pittman
$20 Raised
Hal Cook
$40 Raised
Haley Jordan
$45 Raised
Hannah Smith
$35 Raised
Harold Durham
$45 Raised
Harper Wells
$0 Goal
Hayley Vierling
$35 Raised
Heather Edwards
$65 Raised
Heather Fimbianti
$35 Raised
Heather Steinmetz
$40 Raised
Heather Whitley
$60 Raised
Heidi McCarl
$195 Raised
Heidi Perkins
$35 Raised
Henry Niedringhaus
$20 Raised
Herb Garner
$35 Raised
Hiro Griffin
$35 Raised
Hoby Sprouse
$35 Raised
Holly Kelsey
$35 Raised
Holly Murphy
$45 Raised
Holly Swaney
$50 Raised
Ian Coolican
$40 Raised
Iliana Ortiz
$45 Raised
Irene Ank
$25 Raised
$40 Raised
Jack Withey
$20 Raised
Jaclynn DeLuca
$35 Raised
Jacob Bors
$35 Raised
Jacob Kiser
$45 Raised
Jaime Whitlock
$35 Raised
Jamie Cramer
$40 Raised
Jan Kite
$45 Raised
Janelle Olsen
$45 Raised
janice smith wilkins
$45 Raised
Jason Mcatee
$35 Raised
Jason Vawter
$40 Raised
Jaxon Stom
$20 Raised
Jay Guadalupe
$50 Raised
Jay McGovern
$20 Raised
Jean Bagwell
$40 Raised
Jean Clow
$50 Raised
Jean Hiatt
$20 Raised
Jeanne Nagel
$20 Raised
Jeff Berthiaume
$45 Raised
Jeff Clayton
$20 Raised
Jeff Iocco
$40 Raised
Jeff Mullin
$20 Raised
Jennifer Blaylock
$45 Raised
Jennifer KULPA
$40 Raised
Jennifer Setzer
$40 Raised
Jennifer Sigling
$20 Raised
Jennifer Stom
$60 Raised
Jenny Meyers
$45 Raised
Jeremy Lee
$45 Raised
Jeremy Waterman
$45 Raised
Jerod Mann
$45 Raised
Jerry DaSilva
$45 Raised
Jesse Journell
$45 Raised
Jessica Collins
$35 Raised
Jessica Giambrone
$40 Raised
Jessica Lambroff
$45 Raised
Jessica Smith
$40 Raised
Jessie Kiser
$45 Raised
Jimmy Clow
$50 Raised
Jimmy king
$20 Raised
Jo-Ann Ledger
$65 Raised
Jody Fisher
$35 Raised
john alibrandi
$30 Raised
John Andrews
$40 Raised
John Donofrio
$35 Raised
John Fatum
$20 Raised
John Nguyen
$45 Raised
John Olenyn
$20 Raised
John West
$20 Raised
Johnny Lowe
$45 Raised
Johnny Prentice
$20 Raised
JoJo Chipps
$40 Raised
Jonathan Moody
$40 Raised
Jordan Feeney
$45 Raised
Jose Paz
$35 Raised
Joseph Keitt
$45 Raised
Joshua Balson
$35 Raised
JP Ross
$35 Raised
Juanita Brannon
$35 Raised
Judy Sandall
$35 Raised
Juliana Fox
$20 Raised
Juliana Horvath
$20 Raised
Julie Holcombe
$40 Raised
Justin Walker
$40 Raised
Kaci McCall
$35 Raised
Kailey Mattison
$45 Raised
Kaitlin Swearington
$40 Raised
Kali Grothaus
$45 Raised
Kara Phillips
$40 Raised
Karen Forsyth
$20 Raised
Kate Anderson
$45 Raised
Kate Melanson
$135 Raised
Katherine Elliott
$45 Raised
Katherine Wilkerson
$135 Raised
Kathleen Lambros
$35 Raised
Kathy Clayton
$40 Raised
Kathy Hiles
$35 Raised
Kathy McVeety
$35 Raised
Katie Dunn
$45 Raised
Kay Boone
$25 Raised
Keaton Cable
$35 Raised
Kelli Brannon
$40 Raised
Kelli Robertson
$35 Raised
Kelly Moody
$35 Raised
Kelly Tabachnick
$40 Raised
Kendall Baby
$35 Raised
Kendall Baby
$35 Raised
Kerry Johnson
$40 Raised
Kim Cook
$45 Raised
Kim Webb
$25 Raised
Kimberly Andrews
$40 Raised
Kimberly Yastishak
$45 Raised
Kirsten McCraw
$45 Raised
Klaudia Steffensen
$35 Raised
$40 Raised
Kris Rettberg
$45 Raised
Kristen Miller
$40 Raised
Kristen Smith
$45 Raised
Kristen White
$35 Raised
Kristi Berry
$35 Raised
Kristianne Greene
$45 Raised
Kristie Hall
$45 Raised
Kristina Seitz
$20 Raised
Kristina Vincent
$45 Raised
Lance Maynard
$40 Raised
Larry Hines
$20 Raised
Laura Beamer
$35 Raised
Laura Braun
$35 Raised
Laura Knies
$35 Raised
Laura Smith
$40 Raised
Laura Temples
$35 Raised
Lauren MacDonald
$40 Raised
Laurie Tabachnick
$40 Raised
Leila Jones
$40 Raised
$25 Raised
Leslie Fowler
$35 Raised
Leslie Waltz
$90 Raised
Liam Wells
$20 Raised
Lil'Bit for Animals
$85 Raised
Lillian Berthiaume
$145 Raised
Linda Biesecker
$40 Raised
Linda Burrell
$40 Raised
Linda Fultz
$20 Raised
Linda Lee
$25 Raised
Linda M Cherry
$20 Raised
Lindsay Niedringhaus
$45 Raised
Lindsey Anderson
$45 Raised
Lisa Blevins
$35 Raised
Lisa Nelson
$35 Raised
Lisa Prentice
$35 Raised
Lisa Triska
$35 Raised
Livie Whitlock
$35 Raised
Liz McLendon
$70 Raised
Lizayda Gonzalez
$45 Raised
Logan Schwartz
$35 Raised
Logan Wells
$20 Raised
Lorena Anderson
$45 Raised
Lorraine Olivo
$20 Raised
Lorraine Wicks
$70 Raised
Louanne Lunny
$40 Raised
Louise Withey
$20 Raised
Lucas Forbes
$35 Raised
$45 Raised
$40 Raised
Lucy Craven
$45 Raised
Lucy Henry
$35 Raised
Luis Zambrano
$35 Raised
Luke Hall
$35 Raised
Lynne Becker
$45 Raised
Lynzie Marchesani
$92 Raised
Maddy Atkinson
$20 Raised
Maddy Martin
$45 Raised
Madeline Durham
$60 Raised
Madison Fimbianti
$0 Goal
Madison Konen
$40 Raised
Magda Webster
$25 Raised
Maggie Chernez
$45 Raised
Maggie Lee
$0 Goal
Maggie Steinmetz
$20 Raised
$20 Raised
Marcella Thaler
$20 Raised
Marcus Stanbro
$40 Raised
Margaret Hinrichs
$25 Raised
Margot Bartell
$25 Raised
Maria Rolling
$210 Raised
marietta king
$30 Raised
Marilyn Booth
$20 Raised
Marinell Keasler
$35 Raised
Mark Loving
$35 Raised
Marti Ward
$45 Raised
marty smith wilkins
$20 Raised
Mary Frances Perkins
$35 Raised
Mary ODell
$20 Raised
Mary Padgett
$45 Raised
Mason Davis
$290 Raised
Matt Grisham
$45 Raised
$40 Raised
Matt McKinney
$40 Raised
Matt Shouse
$35 Raised
$40 Raised
Maxwell Miller
$20 Raised
Meagan Hammond
$45 Raised
Megan Richardson
$45 Raised
Megan Wanner
$35 Raised
Meghan Verret
$50 Raised
Melanie Bearden
$35 Raised
Melissa Bickford
$35 Raised
Melissa Burns
$35 Raised
Melissa Patterson
$50 Raised
Meredith Eisgrau
$45 Raised
Michael Hicks
$20 Raised
Michael Kasha
$20 Raised
Michael Swann
$35 Raised
Michael Wade
$40 Raised
Michelle Mayers
$35 Raised
Michelle Nichols
$35 Raised
Michelle Stanbro
$40 Raised
Mike Cole
$25 Raised
Mike Robertson
$40 Raised
Miller Cramer
$40 Raised
Miranda Gilstrap
$35 Raised
Mitchell Rettberg
$45 Raised
Morgan Merrill
$45 Raised
Morgan Ross
$45 Raised
Morgan Stiles
$35 Raised
Mutter Fluffers
$40 Raised
Nancy Reaves
$60 Raised
Nancy Wagner
$20 Raised
Natalie Creasy
$0 Goal
Natalie Keasler
$35 Raised
Natalie Patterson
$45 Raised
Natalie Torres
$35 Raised
Nathan Genis
$45 Raised
Nathan Hughes
$40 Raised
Naveya Planas
$35 Raised
Nicholas Blevins
$35 Raised
Nicholas Steinmetz
$40 Raised
Nicole Morris
$35 Raised
Nicole Springs
$45 Raised
Nikole Inzana
$50 Raised
Nikos Paraskeva
$45 Raised
Noelle Grube
$40 Raised
Noriko Canipe
$35 Raised
Olivia Tabachnick
$40 Raised
Orion Crow
$20 Raised
Paige Constantino
$35 Raised
Paige Mancuso
$60 Raised
Paige McMahan
$40 Raised
Paisleigh Kulpa
$0 Goal
Pamela Rybarczyk
$70 Raised
Parris Hicks
$45 Raised
Pati DaSilva
$45 Raised
Patrick Muntz
$40 Raised
Patty Grisham
$20 Raised
Pauline Graziano
$85 Raised
Peggy White
$35 Raised
Penny Lane & Luna
$4,441 Raised
Penny Smith
$0 Goal
Peyton Vanvick
$45 Raised
philip mullins
$45 Raised
Pippa’s Playmates
$45 Raised
Prentiss Standrigde
$35 Raised
Putters for puppers
$35 Raised
Rachel Dobbins
$35 Raised
Rachel Lawson
$35 Raised
Rachell Caldwell
$35 Raised
Rachelle Ramsey
$40 Raised
Randy Hampton
$95 Raised
Raney Alexander
$40 Raised
Raymond Velazquez
$40 Raised
Rebecca Atkinson
$45 Raised
Rebecca DaSilva
$95 Raised
Rebecca Whitt
$35 Raised
Rhonda Cotterman
$35 Raised
Rhonda Vawter
$35 Raised
Riley Noble
$0 Goal
Riley Phillabaum
$35 Raised
Riley Pittman
$40 Raised
Rob Williams
$35 Raised
Robbie Johnson
$40 Raised
Robert Bouta
$20 Raised
$45 Raised
Ronald Dennis
$45 Raised
Ronnie Horne Jr
$35 Raised
$20 Raised
Ross Hall
$40 Raised
Ryan Neal
$35 Raised
Ryan Sanford
$65 Raised
Rylee Burkett
$35 Raised
Sadie Case
$20 Raised
Sage Yardley
$45 Raised
Sally Bykanova
$40 Raised
Samantha Hart
$45 Raised
Samantha McCombs
$35 Raised
Sandra Cox
$60 Raised
Sandra Horton
$40 Raised
Sandy Cook
$40 Raised
Sandy Harris
$45 Raised
Sandy Krzysiak
$25 Raised
Sandy Mercurio
$20 Raised
Sara Sponseller
$140 Raised
Sara Waitsman
$65 Raised
Sarah Hall
$35 Raised
Savannah Fernandes
$35 Raised
Scoot Whitlock
$35 Raised
Scott Holcombe
$45 Raised
Scott McCarl
$45 Raised
Scott Robertson
$35 Raised
Scott Roth
$35 Raised
Sean Podolsky Rosado
$20 Raised
Sebastián Medina
$35 Raised
SeDeris Fogle
$135 Raised
Seth Mancuso
$35 Raised
Shane Perkins
$35 Raised
Sharon Brancato-Leonard
$20 Raised
Sharon Headen
$45 Raised
Sharon Keiser
$40 Raised
Shayna Jenkins
$35 Raised
Shelley Hinson
$40 Raised
Sheri Donofrio
$35 Raised
Sherry Ging
$40 Raised
Sophia Garner
$20 Raised
Sophie Garrett
$20 Raised
Sophie Valentin
$20 Raised
Spencer Beamer
$35 Raised
Spencer Simon
$45 Raised
Stacey Gunderson
$20 Raised
Stella Peace
$35 Raised
Stephanie Brothers
$45 Raised
Stephanie Burger
$0 Goal
Stephanie Caddell
$40 Raised
Stephanie Clark
$40 Raised
Stephanie Swenson
$35 Raised
Stephanie Torres
$35 Raised
Stephen Caddell
$20 Raised
Stephen Keiser
$40 Raised
Stephen Lee
$40 Raised
Stephen Miller
$40 Raised
Steven Burroughs
$40 Raised
Steven Chapman
$35 Raised
Steven Evans
$20 Raised
Sue Robertson
$40 Raised
Susan Billhardt
$20 Raised
Susan Floyd
$25 Raised
Susan Luhrsen
$40 Raised
Susan Sentell
$25 Raised
Susie Black
$25 Raised
Susie Lueck
$35 Raised
Suzanne Shouse
$45 Raised
Sydney Slater
$45 Raised
Sylvia Porter
$60 Raised
Tabitha McKinney
$35 Raised
Tammy Dunn
$45 Raised
Tanya Guadalupe
$45 Raised
Tavin Holder
$20 Raised
Tawny Booth
$35 Raised
Taylor Bishop
$50 Raised
Taylor McGuirt
$35 Raised
Team Shadow
$85 Raised
Terri Eisman
$20 Raised
Tessa Dodson
$40 Raised
Teya Hajek
$50 Raised
Thao Vu
$45 Raised
$45 Raised
Theresa Platt
$45 Raised
Thomas Griffin
$40 Raised
Thomas Jones
$40 Raised
Thomas McCorkle
$25 Raised
Thomas Patterson
$45 Raised
Thomas Polito
$60 Raised
$40 Raised
Tina Alvarez
$40 Raised
TMutt Strutin Maxiroos
$170 Raised
Tom Traxler
$25 Raised
Tony Dunn
$45 Raised
Tonya Davis
$45 Raised
Tonya L Mashburn
$40 Raised
Tori Patterson
$35 Raised
Tracey McGovern
$20 Raised
Tracy Huth
$35 Raised
Tracy McGrew
$35 Raised
Tracy Nance
$45 Raised
Travis Holder
$45 Raised
Travis Norwood
$35 Raised
Treaty Bongirne
$40 Raised
Trevor Toland
$35 Raised
Tripp Poston
$40 Raised
Tyler Eden
$35 Raised
Tyler Joyce
$1,000 Goal
Upstate Vet
$0 Goal
Valerie Caldwell Hill
$20 Raised
Valerie Swenson
$35 Raised
Vashti Torres
$45 Raised
Vicki Jones
$20 Raised
VMutt Strutin Maxiroos
$35 Raised
Walter Kulpa
$0 Goal
Wendy Mcatee
$35 Raised
Whitney Wilson
$85 Raised
Will Hollenbach
$35 Raised
William Gunderson
$20 Raised
Williston Dye
$20 Raised
Wren McKinney
$20 Raised
Xiomara Torres
$35 Raised
Ylva Richardson
$45 Raised
Yolanda Grove
$40 Raised
Zachary Dulcie
$40 Raised
Zakira Kinard
$40 Raised
Zoe Fogle
$35 Raised
Team Fundraisers
Alliance of Therapy Dogs
$490 Raised
Bad to the Bones
$355 Raised
Caldwell Constructors ❤️ GHS
$300 Raised
DRH Girls Walking Club
$310 Raised
Gallivan, White & Boyd, P.A.
$575 Raised
Greenville Corgi Club
$530 Raised
Kota Trax's Favorite Feet
$40 Raised
Sir Strider
$360 Raised
Taco Trotters
$300 Goal
Team Robertson
$120 Raised
$390 Raised
The Mongrel Horde
$510 Raised
Two Fluffy Husky butts
$70 Raised
Upstate Vet Team
$0 Goal